
What are your plans for lunch today ?  今日、昼食どうしますか?

What are your plans for lunch today ?

*  今日、昼食どうしますか?

What are your plans for lunch today ?

What are you doing for lunch today ?

*  昼食一緒にいかがですか?

Would you like to join us for lunch ?

Do you want to join me for lunch ?

*  昼食は何がいいですか?

What would you like to eat ?

What do you feel like eating for lunch ?

What do you feel like having for lunch ?

*  ~したい気がする

feel like doing something


Are you free to have lunch on Friday ?

きんよう の ひる、 じかん ある?
kinyoo no hiru,  jikan aru ?

Do you want to join me for lunch ?

ちゅうしょく いっしょ に どう?
tyuusyoku issyo ni dou ?

Yes.  What do you feel like eating for lunch ?

いいね。 なに が たべたい?
iine.  nani ga tabetai ?

Well,  I kind of feel like eating Japanese food.

そうだな、 わしょく が いいかな。
soodana,  wasyoku ga iikana.


What are your plans for lunch today ?

きょう おひる は どうしますか?
kyoo ohiru wa dooshimasuka ?

I'm going out for lunch.

そと に たべにいこう と おもって。
soto ni tabeniikoo to omotte.